Tuesday 4 November 2014


Gohan Vs. Vegeta
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Goku in Snakeway Pt. 1
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Goku in Snakeway Pt. 2
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Goku SSJ Vs. Frieza Pt. 1
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Goku Training in 100G Gravity Pt. 1
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Goku Training in 100G Gravity Pt. 2
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Goku.. Supersaiyan?
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Goku Vs. Bubbles
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Goku Vs. Grasshopperman
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Thursday 23 October 2014

Wrath of the Dragon

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On a distant planet, a young alien boy frantically searches his surroundings, sword at the ready, but before he can react, he is crushed by a giant foot while someone laughs maniacally in the background.
On Earth, Gohan and Videl (as the Great Saiyaman I and II) are summoned to the city to rescue an old, alien-like man trying to commit suicide by jumping off a bridge. Once they rescue him and take him elsewhere, the man introduces himself as Hoi and presents them with a music box, inside which he claims a hero named Tapion is trapped, and may be the Earth's last chance against an approaching evil. When even Goku fails to open the music box, the Z Fighters gather the Dragon Balls and ask Shenron to open it for them. Tapion is released, but expresses anger at Hoi and Goku for freeing him, explaining that inside him is the essence of half of the ferocious monster, Hirudegarn, before fleeing into isolation. Trunks, however, takes an instant liking to Tapion, and frequently sneaks off to his location to bring him food, despite Tapion angrily telling him to leave him alone.
Shortly afterwards, the lower half of Hirudegarn appears and begins attacking the city. Gohan and Videl rush to the city's aid, but are unable to deal any damage until Tapion appears, playing a mysterious tune on an ocarina which weakens Hirudegarn and causes him to vanish. Later on, however, while Trunks is bringing Tapion some food, Hoi suddenly appears and tries to steal Tapion's ocarina. Hoi claims that Tapion himself is the evil threat to the Earth and that the ocarina must be destroyed for them to stop Tapion. In the ensuing scuffle, Trunks gets hold of the ocarina, but chooses to believe Tapion and returns it to him, while Hoi flees. Tapion accepts Trunks as a friend and is invited to the Capsule Corp. compound. While there, he explains his story to Bulma: a thousand years ago, an evil race of alien magicians, the Kashvaar, who at sometime proclaimed themselves as the superior race and set out to destroy all life different from their own in the universe by awakening an ancient monster known as Hirudegarn. Their conquest eventually brought them to the planet Konats, Tapion's homeworld. During the ensuing battle, a Konatsian priest discovered a magic sword and two ocarinas capable of stopping Hirudegarn. Tapion and his younger brother Minosha kept Hirudegarn at bay with the ocarinas while the priest cleaved the monster in half with the sword. In the aftermath, in order to ensure Hirudegarn would never again be released, the Konatsian War Council decided to seal Hirudegarn's two halves away inside Tapion and Minosha, magically seal them inside music boxes, and send them to the opposite sides of the universe until the Kashvaar were brought to justice. Hoi, who is the last of the Kashvaar, has already killed Minosha (as seen in the prologue), and now seeks out Tapion in order to complete Hirudegarn and conquer the universe. Bulma offers to build Tapion a bedroom using the components of the music box so that Tapion can sleep without Hirudegarn escaping from him.
However, while sleeping, a nightmare causes Tapion to accidentally destroy the bedroom. Hirudegarn's lower half reappears and starts attacking. In desperation, Tapion begs Goku and the others to kill him in order to destroy Hirudegarn's upper half, but it is too late and the monster is released. A fierce battle between the Z Fighters and Hirudegarn erupts, with none of the fighters able to keep up with the monster's strength and speed. Trunks and Goten fuse in to Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks and bombard Hirudegarn with energy blasts, apparently burning him to death, but Hirudegarn transforms into a much faster and more powerful form and makes quick work of Gotenks (defusing him in the process) and the rest of the Z Fighters. Tapion appears and seals Hirudegarn inside himself again by playing the ocarina, and asks Trunks to slay him and destroy Hirudegarn forever. Trunks hesitates, and Hirudegarn escapes again, destroying the ocarina. As Hoi watches and gloats over his apparent victory, In an Ironic twist, Hoi is stepped on and is crushed (the same way Minosha was killed) by the monster he believed would destroy all life different than his own. By now, the only fighter left standing is Goku, who refuses to surrender. In desperation, Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan 3 and starts taunting Hirudegarn, angering the monster further. As Goku and Hirudegarn battle, Trunks intervenes and cuts Hirudegarn's tail off with Tapion's sword, Goku soon realizes that intense emotions drain Hirudgarn's energy. So he angers the monster up to a point his defensive armor is useless. With Hirudegarn temporarily weakened, Goku uses his Dragon Fist attack to pierce through the monster, obliterating Hirudegarn once and for all.
In the aftermath, Tapion uses Bulma's time machine to return to Konats. Bulma promises to revive all of Hirudegarn's victims with the Dragon Balls. Before leaving, Tapion presents Trunks with his sword as a farewell gift. In the ending credits, Future Trunks is shown slaying Frieza, King Cold and their men with his own sword, almost identical to Tapion's.

Super Android 13

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The film opens with the introduction showing the death of Dr. Gero at the hands of the Androids 17 and 18 including the Red Ribbon Army, but also reveals that Gero previously copied his consciousness into an underground supercomputer, working on an alternate ultimate android.
Cutting to the present day, Goku is shopping with Gohan and Chi-Chi, while Krillin, Master Roshi, Oolong and Future Trunks wait for a beauty pageant. As Goku, Chi-Chi, Gohan and the gang eat in the restaurant on the shopping centre's top floor, two humanoid beings enter the city and begin causing mayhem. Oblivious to their surroundings, they head straight for the restaurant and attack Goku. Goku briefly fights them and realises that they are androids, since he cannot sense their energy. The humanoids introduce themselves as Androids 14 and 15 as Gohan, Krillin and Trunks join the fray. Goku requests that they take the battle elsewhere in order to avoid harming innocent people, and the androids accept, flying to an Arctic area.
Goku and Trunks take on the androids and manage to hold their own until an android wearing the Red Ribbon Army insignia appears. This android introduces himself as Android 13, and explains that Dr. Gero may be gone, but previously programmed his supercomputer to think that it is Gero himself to continue Gero's dream to killing Goku in revenge for defeating the Red Ribbon Army. Vegeta and Piccolo also show up to aid their friends. Goku, Vegeta and Trunks power up to their Super Saiyan forms. While Android 13 manages to hold the upper hand against both Goku and Piccolo, Trunks and Vegeta destroy Androids 14 and 15, and surround 13, ready to take him on at once. Irate, 13 proceeds to absorb 14 and 15's main cores into his own being and undergoes a hideous transformation into Super Android 13. In this form, nobody is able to match 13, and he pummels Goku and the others about.
Seeing no other choice, Goku begins summoning energy for the Spirit Bomb while Piccolo and the others stall 13. 13 eventually gets wind of this and tries to stop Goku, but Piccolo holds him off just long enough for Goku to go Super Saiyan again and merge with the Spirit Bomb. 13 attacks, but Goku effortlessly punches through 13's stomach and sends him into the core of the Spirit Bomb, where he is obliterated. With 13's demise, the underground supercomputer shuts down for good.
Following 13's death, Krillin and Gohan are sent to the hospital. There everyone jokes about Krillin's attempt to help Gohan's summer school (which Chi-Chi had previously been stressed about at the beginning of the film). Elsewhere, Piccolo and Vegeta sit back to back, isolated from the celebration.

Bojack Unbound

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Bojack is the main villain of the movie. His goal is to conquer the universe and destroy all those that stand in his way. According toKing Kai, he was sealed by all four Kais in a star, but when Goku teleported the devolved, ready to self-destruct Cell to King Kai's planet, killing him, the seal broke, allowing Bojack to reap destruction upon the Earth.
The movie starts with a big martial arts tournament in which 200 elite fighters will compete, including Yamcha, Tien, Piccolo, Gohan, Future Trunks, and Krillin. The winner will get to face the famous champion "Mr. Hercule" (also known as "Mr. Satan" in the Japanese version). Goku is shown in Other World, watching the tournament with King Kai. The first round consists of 8 contests - 25 fighters are put on each fighting "stage", and the last one standing on each stage will advance to the semi-finals. Tien, Piccolo, Gohan, Krillin, and Future Trunks are among the 8 who advance. As the advancing fighters' names are announced, Mr. Hercule is shown getting increasingly nervous, as he is aware of the prowess of these fighters. He begins looking for a way to back out of the fighting, eventually claiming to have a "stomach ache". In the meantime, the semis pit Tien against Future Trunks and Krillin against Piccolo. Future Trunks beats Tien. Piccolo is disgusted by the lack of a challenge in this supposedly "elite" contest and forfeits against Krillin. Gohan, Krillin, and Future Trunks are among the 4 who advance to the finals, in which each of them will compete against a fighter from elsewhere in the galaxy. However, as the alien fighters are revealed, the fight promoter realizes that these are not the fighters that he had recruited for the contest.
Everyone soon begins to realize that there is something wrong as Trunks is challenged by Kogu, Krillin faces Zangya, and Gohan confronts Bujin. During this time, Mr. Hercule is in the rest room, thinking about how he got himself in this mess, but after looking at his belt he realizes that the people need him and, in an uncharacteristically brave mood he goes out and gets slammed into a space pod and sent to the fighting. During his fight against Kogu, Trunks transforms into a Super Saiyan, shatters Kogu's sword, and shoves his fist right through Kogu's abdomen, killing him. As he turns to leave, he is struck down in one blow by an unknown foe. Far away, Vegeta feels this power and knows something is wrong. Gohan continues his fight with Bujin until he is led out to where Krillin and Trunks are. After inspecting his fallen friend, Bojack introduces himself and tells Gohan his plans to rule the universe as his revenge. Yamcha and Tien turn up to fight but are defeated by Bujin, Bido and Zangya. Seeing his friends fallen, Gohan transforms into a Super Saiyan and fights Bojack's henchmen while Bojack watches on in amusement. Gohan is beaten down and Bojack powers up an attack to finish him off, although it is deflected by Piccolo, who has come to Gohan's aid. Trunks comes back into action and they both challenge Bojack. After a period of fighting Trunks's sword appears; Trunks catches it as Vegeta enters the fight and transforms into a Super Saiyan, quickly setting on Bojack. During this, Trunks thinks that Vegeta would only ever fight when it meant him surpassing Goku's strength, and Trunks realizes that Vegeta has truly changed. While Vegeta fights Bojack, the rest fight against his surviving henchmen. During his fight against Vegeta, Bojack beats Vegeta down and transforms. Gohan rushes to Piccolo's aid, but Piccolo tells him to not worry about him and fight Bojack. Bojack challenges Gohan to a fight and beats him thanks to the aid of Bido and Zangya's Untrapped ropes, which drains Gohan's energy away, but Gohan is freed when Mr. Hercule's incoming pod distracts them all. Annoyed at this, Bojack powers up an attack and blasts Mr. Hercule's pod, causing him to fall to the ground. Trying to save him, Gohan is struck down by Bojack's henchmen.
On Snake Way with King Kai, Goku can't watch any more and, using his Instant Transmission, teleports himself to the fight and punches Bojack before he can finish Gohan off. Surprised, Bojack falls to the ground. After a few words of advice, Goku places his son on the ground safely and disappears. Gohan, taking in his father's words, gets back and turns to Bojack with fire in his eyes. Gohan transforms into Super Saiyan 2, surprising Bojack and his crew. Gohan beats Bido and Bujin each in one hit, breaking them both in half, and Zangya is killed when Bojack uses her as a shield from Gohan. The angry young Saiyan then slams his fist into Bojack's stomach, blowing a hole in his stomach and out through his back. As a last resort, Bojack powers up his Galactic Buster and Gohan prepares a Kamehameha. The energies clash together and in the blinding light Bojack is killed. Gohan, exhausted, falls backwards laughing as Goku praises him from Other World, and King Kai jokes that Goku broke the rules of going back to Earth while dead. After the events, everyone is in hospital watching the news that Mr. Hercule is a "true hero" who defeated the alien intruders; this results in several jokes as they laugh. As in Super Android 13!, the film closes with Piccolo and Vegeta on the roof, arms folded and backs turned to each other, isolating themselves from the celebration. During the closing credits, "Beyond Galaxies Rising High" plays with some pictures showing any of the Dragon Ball Z characters doing something being displayed on the left.
Finally, this graph is surrounded as though in a frame by several of the main characters, including Krillin, Trunks, Roshi, and Yamcha, all dressed in different colored suits, similar to the Toriyama drawn picture before.

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Fan Dub

       Goku Vs. Everybody UCF Fight

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            Goku Vs. Cell
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DBZ Movie 14 Hindi Sample
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Goten Vs. Baby Hindi Dubbed

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Goku Ssj Vs. Buu Buu Hindi Dubbed

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Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan [Hindi Dubbed] [1st 25 Minutes]

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DBZ Ressurection of F