Wednesday 15 October 2014

Broly The Legendary Super Saiyan

                                                               Download Here Part 1[HD]
                                                               Download Here Part 2 [HD]  
On his planet in the Otherworld, King Kai senses the destruction of the South Galaxy by an unknown Super Saiyan, and realizes that the North Galaxy will be next. To this end, King Kai contacts Goku telepathically while he and Chi-Chi are sitting an interview at a private school which they hopefully plan to send Gohan to. In the middle of the interview, Goku teleports to King Kai's planet and is told the entire story.
Meanwhile on Earth, while the Z-Fighters are picnicking in an unknown peaceful area, a spaceship lands and an army of humanoids appear and greet Vegeta as their king. Their leader is a Saiyan, Paragus, who claims that he has created a New Planet Vegeta and wishes for Vegeta to accompany him in order to rule as the new king. Vegeta initially refuses, but agrees after Paragus tells him that a being known as the "Legendary Super Saiyan" is running rampant throughout the galaxy and must be destroyed before he comes to Earth. Skeptical of Paragus' story, Trunks, Gohan, Krillin, Master Roshi and Oolong go along with Vegeta.
On New Vegeta, Vegeta meets Paragus' son, Broly, and the two leave together to hunt down the Legendary Super Saiyan. Gohan, Trunks and Krillin meet the planet's slaves and defend them from their abusive masters. During the struggle, Goku arrives via Instant Transmission, having followed their energy signals after King Kai's story. The slaves tell them that the Legendary Super Saiyan destroyed their planet, and they were found by Paragus, who made them into his slaves. That night, Vegeta and Broly return, having had no luck. While Vegeta receives Goku coldly, Broly appears agitated at the mere sight of him, and only calms down when Paragus raises his hand and a light shines on his bracelet. Despite this, Broly attacks Goku in the middle of the night. The two fight for a while until Paragus appears and calms Broly down again, but Goku begins to doubt Paragus' claims. Paragus, for his part, has been controlling Broly with a mind control device, which he suspects may be malfunctioning. Paragus then realises that it is Broly's connection to Goku that has made him angry: Broly and Goku were born on the same day and were in neighbouring pods, and Goku's constant crying agitated Broly so much that it made him resent Goku for many years afterwards, and now, having come face to face with him, old wounds have begun to surface.
Vegeta soon loses patience with Paragus and decides to return to Earth with the others, but Goku and the others confront Paragus, having realised that Broly is in fact the Legendary Super Saiyan himself. The slaves, upon seeing Broly, also identify him as the one who destroyed their planet, but Broly again becomes fixated on Goku, and his rage erupts so much that he breaks free of the mind control device and transforms into a behemoth of a Super Saiyan: the Legendary Super Saiyan. Broly sets his eyes on Goku and begins fighting him and the others, while Vegeta, frightened of the Legendary Super Saiyan, loses the will to fight. Paragus taunts Vegeta for his naïveté and reveals his true story and intentions: many years ago, on Planet Vegeta, Broly was born with a power level of 10,000, (but goku was born with a power level of 2), an amazing feat for a baby. However, King Vegeta feared that the baby would grow up to become a threat to his royal family line and ordered him executed. Paragus barged into the court and begged King Vegeta to spare him, but he refused and severely wounded Paragus. Broly was stabbed in the stomach, and he and Paragus were left for dead. However, that same day,Frieza destroyed Planet Vegeta, and just before the explosion, Broly manifested through anger to blat him and Paragus away from planet Vegeta only seconds before demolition. Broly grew into a severely unstable child, at one point blinding Paragus in one eye, and Paragus only managed to pacify him via the mind control device. Since then, Paragus' goal has been revenge on King Vegeta through his son, Vegeta, and to take over the Earth as a new Planet Vegeta from which to rule the universe. Furthermore, a comet, Camori, is approaching New Vegeta, and will destroy it upon impact.
Broly makes quick work of Goku, Gohan and Trunks. Piccolo arrives with Senzu beans but is also beaten, but summons enough will power to forcibly bring Vegeta to the battlefield. Seeing Broly pummel his friends repeatedly eventually gives Vegeta enough incentive to join the fight, but he also proves to be no match for Broly. Paragus tries to escape from New Vegeta by himself, but Broly catches him in the act and kills him by crushing the space pod with his bare hands and throwing it towards the comet. However, despite Broly's power, Goku refuses to stay down, and takes every blow Broly lands on him, even with his friends offering him their remaining power. After much reluctance, Vegeta finally gives some of his energy, which gives Goku enough power to resist Broly and punch him in exactly the same place where he was stabbed as a baby, causing Broly to bleed profusely and apparently explode.
Just as Camori hits and destroys New Vegeta, the Z Fighters and the slaves escape in the spaceship Piccolo used to follow Goku and Vegeta. Goku and Gohan teleport straight to their garden, where they are confronted by an angry Chi-Chi, who is annoyed with Goku for leaving during the interview. Goku then comically recites what Chi-Chi told him to say for the school interview, causing her to faint.

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